A programmatic interface is available for scripting an INTRA search.
Requests should be sent to this location /intra/api/
Depending on the request, the response is a list of Shop systems, Arena systems, or Shop/Arena pairs. The results list is sorted using a cost/benefit analysis, starting with the best.
The request is a JSON object which describes the type of search to perform, and must specify a version number. This is a minimal no-operation request:
The response is a JSON object containing a status and message, the version, some header flags and the result body. The no-operation response is:
{"ok":0,"msg":"Nothing requested","ver":1,"head":null,"body":null}
Despite the not-OK status and error message, this is appropriate for checking that the INTRA service is functional. It implies that the following HTTP errors have been avoided:
- (405) Wrong HTTP method
- (503) INTRA service offline
- (413) Request object too large
- (415) Bad request object format
- (400) Bad request object data
- (422) Unknown INTRA API version
Additional error situations which could still occur:
- (502) Bad INTRA service reply
- (500) Internal I/O failure
Request schema
Values: 1.
This limit will be clamped within the allowed range.
Values: 1 through 99.
This adds a travel bias to the results, favouring systems closer to the reference position.
Note that this is not a sort-function; results are still ordered by cost/benefit.
Send an empty object to request Shop results without any specific filter.
Send an empty object to request Arena results without any specific filter.
Positive values move towards the Lyra's Song sector.
Positive values move towards Rackham's Peak, upwards from the Galactic plane.
Positive values move towards Beagle Point.
Each system must be controlled/exploited by one of the named Powerplay powers.
Values: Any of the eleven powers; for example,
Arissa Lavigny-Duval
.This option applies to the Compromised beacon status in Elite 3.8.
Values: 1 to demand CNBs, 0 to ignore CNBs, -1 to consider CNBs normally.
This option applies to the Compromised beacon status in Elite 4.0.
Values: 1 to demand CNBs, 0 to ignore CNBs, -1 to consider CNBs normally.
A faction is useful within a system if it can provide pirate massacre missions.
For INTRA purposes, a faction is Independent if it is not allied with a Superpower.
Superpowers are the Empire, Alliance and Federation.
This also requires that a Starport is present.
This also requires that an Outpost is present.
This also requires that a Hazardous RES is present.
This also requires that a High RES is present.
This also requires that a Medium RES is present.
This also requires that a Low RES is present.
Request notes:
- System constraints are common between Shop and Arena. In effect, this enables additional filter criteria beyond the usual INTRA interface, such as requesting that the Arena system contains a Starport or that the Shop system contains a RES.
- If a RES is Reported but not Declared or Confirmed, a filter will use the nearest planetary ring distance.
Response schema
Note that a successful transaction may return zero results.
Values: 1 for success, 0 if an error occurred.
Sentinel: Empty string if no error occurred
Values: 1.
Sentinel: Null if an error occurred.
The list is sorted using a cost/benefit analysis.
Sentinel: Null if an error occurred.
Values: 1 if each result row contains a Shop system object, 0 otherwise.
Values: 1 if each result row contains an Arena system object, 0 otherwise.
Sentinel: -1 if no EDSM ID is stored.
Sentinel: -1 if no EDDB ID is stored.
Sentinel: -1 if no reference position was used.
Sentinel: Empty string if no Powerplay power is present, or the system is contested.
Sentinel: -1 if the system contains no starports.
Sentinel: -1 if the system contains no outposts.
Sentinel: -1 if no report exists.
Values: 1 for CNB, 0 for NB, -1 if no report exists.
Sentinel: -1 if no report exists.
Values: 1 for CNB, 0 for NB, -1 if no report exists.
Sentinel: -1 if no report exists.
If a RES is reported, this could be used to estimate its distance.
Sentinel: -1 if the system contains no planetary rings.
Names starting with «+» are expressed as a system name suffix.
Sentinel: Empty string if the system contains no planetary rings.
Missing RESs can be considered probably absent if the visit counter is high.
A faction is useful within a system if it can provide pirate massacre missions.
For INTRA purposes, a faction is Independent if it is not allied with a Superpower.
Superpowers are the Empire, Alliance and Federation.
Use the visit counter to decide whether an unreported RES may be present.
Values: 1 if a RES has been reported, otherwise 0.
Values: 1 if confirmed present, 0 if confirmed absent, otherwise -1.
Sentinel: -1 if no RES is reported or confirmed to be present, or if a RES is reported but has no body specified.
Names starting with «+» are expressed as a system name suffix.
Sentinel: Empty string if no RES is reported or confirmed to be present, or if a RES is reported but has no body specified.
Response notes:
- If a result contains both a Shop and an Arena, it is implied that the Shop supplies missions which target the Arena.
- System details are common between Shop and Arena. In effect, this provides additional information beyond the fields displayed by the usual INTRA interface, such as whether the Arena system contains a Starport or whether the Shop system contains a RES.