Send a GET request to one of these end-points:
– Linear coefficients which relate the star radius to the Wing Signal regions.
– Raw data array with measured drop distances for stars of varying mass and radius.
The response content is a JSON object with contents as described below.
The returned object contains the following fields:
- "dest-lock": A line below which Destination Lock should work.
- "no-lock": A line below which a no-lock blind drop will be needed.
Each of these lines is itself a JSON object with the following fields:
- "c0": The constant term.
- "c1": The linear term.
- "input": A string describing the unit of the domain.
- "output": A string describing the unit of the range.
The linear equation is Output = Constant + Linear × Input.
To use it:
- Input a solar radius to obtain distance values for dest-lock and no-lock.
- Compare those against the Wing Signal distance after a (failed) Nav-lock drop.
- If the signal distance is below the dest-lock value, use Destination Lock.
- If between the dest-lock and no-lock values, use a blind drop.
- If at or above the no-lock value, this is at or beyond the exclusion zone.
The returned object contains only a field named "stars", which is a JSON array.
The array elements are JSON objects, one for each star data record, with the following fields:
- "sys": System name string.
- "body": Body name string, blank if there is only one star in the system.
- "sm": Star mass in Solar masses.
- "sr": Star radius in Solar radii.
- "nl": Distance string to the exclusion zone Wing Signal after a Nav-lock attempt.
- "dl": Distance string to the exclusion zone Wing Signal after a Destination Lock attempt.
The distance strings are a number followed by a unit for non-zero values, otherwise just "0".
For example, the "nl" value is "3.92Mm" for Arare, but "10.1Ls" for X Persei D.
Parameters example
GET /drop/api/params/ HTTP/1.1
Data example
GET /drop/api/data/ HTTP/1.1